This was the official start of Pageant Concepts AV. After booking two new systems in the same year and meeting Michael Galanes of World’s Perfect, we decided this has to be a full-steam-ahead operation. To celebrate our new growth, we went all out this year. We brought in our new LED wall & Twinkle Drape as a backdrop, brought in special effects (CO2 Blast, glow-in-the-dark bubbles), and we also worked alongside Galaxy’s new choreographer, Cassie, to create a custom opening number for Belleza Latina. Cassie took our input on the custom mix for the song + our ideas for choreography and then added her magic. This was an incredible year and to be honest, still my favorite opening number! Check out the videos to see the opening numbers in action!
Fun fact: this was the first true fire retardant twinkle drape in this industry…. sooo I guess that means we were the first? 😉